20242025 Calendar
Riso Prints

2024سُلم السماء
Riso Prints

202488 Constellations
Riso Print

2024Where The Poem Begins & Ends
Book Series

2024The Space is Infinite & The Love Is an Echo
Erasure Poetry

2023Lunar Calendar
Riso Prints

2023Ramadan Calendar
Riso Prints

2022Freej Series

2021Places That No Longer Exist
Digital Print

2021 اضحك تضحك لك الدنيا
Digital Print

2020Type Therapy
Interactive Type

2020Sleepwalking Through Life
Digital Print

2020Magnetic Field of A Migraine
Digital Print

2020Decaying Palaces
Digital Print

Digital Print

2019All The Stars Are Laughing
Riso Prints

Riso Prints

2019Printer Up Above The World So High

2019An Ode To Saturn’s Moons
Poster Series

2018Emergent Harmonies
Thesis Research

2018Polaroid Portrait’s

2018Polaroid Transfers

Plotter Prints

Digital Print

2017Pen Plotter Experiments
Plotter Prints

2017Visible Ties

2016100 Poems
Erasure Poetry
Places That No Longer Exist 

Using images from NASA and 3D terrain maps.
Digital prints
11 x 16”
    Places that no longer exist keep appearing in my dreams. Homes that once housed generations, eventually torn down. I remember all the nooks and crannies, the musty smell of the library, the hiding spot under the stairs. It feels so close I can almost touch it.